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Video Privacy Platform: Automated profiling after the GDPR, more regulation needed?

The Privacy Platform is an initiative of MEP Sophie in 't Veld that brings together Members of Parliament, the European institutions, industry, academia, data protection authorities and civil society in order to share information, debate and create a better understanding and awareness of salient privacy issues.

It aims to ensure that privacy and data protection become an integral part of any privacy-intrusive legislation or technology. The theme of this edition is ‘Automated profiling after the GDPR, more regulation needed?’ and addresses questions on the potential risks of automated profiling, on whether the provisions on profiling in the General Data Protection Regulation will suffice, and on what can be expected of the revision of the ePrivacy Directive


 -  Sophie in 't Veld: Member of the European Parliament, first vice-chair, ALDE group.


- Tal Zarsky: Professor at the University of Haifa
-  Sachiko Scheuing: Co-chair Federation European Direct Advertisement Associations
- Jeremy Rollison: Issue leader on Data Protection, AmCham EU
-  Frederik Borgesius: Researcher at IVir, University of Amsterdam